Monday, August 31, 2009

Aid Workers to support intelligence training for Af-Pak?

Wired has a good article on the not-very-new concerns about mixing up the civilian and military realms - 'Spooks to Tap Aid Workers for Af-Pak Knowledge?' -

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Interesting glimpse

Interesting glimpse of how the Pentagon (potentially) profiles reporters to help shape their war coverage:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

'2 Peacekeepers in D

'2 Peacekeepers in Darfur Seized'-

OXFAM issues a sermo

OXFAM issues a sermon on poverty, security spending and famine in Afghanistan, the punch line apparently being 'more aid needed, must be spent better':

'Peacekeeping Civili

'Peacekeeping Civilians Kidnapped In Darfur' -

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

UN considers broad r

UN considers broad rethink of peacekeeping strategy - 'an increasingly costly operation that in some parts of the world is failing to meet the tough challenges set for it' -